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Elmhurst Original Milk Elmhurst Original Milk



Elmhurst’s original line deserves its name. Yes, there were nut (and oat) milks before us. And there are more trickling into the market each day. But Elmhurst delivers something so…simple…that it stands out brilliantly, like a clear sky, in a land of clutter.

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Compared to most other original plant milks, Elmhurst uses a fraction of the ingredients. This excludes funny things like locust bean gum, carrageenan, and lecithin, which are not exactly dietary staples. Rather than let such things crowd-out nutrition, we’ve simply used more nuts – up to 4x compared to leading competitors. Milked Oats™ delivers 20g whole grain per serving.


Original Oat Milk Elmhurst® Oatly® Silk® Pacific® Planet Oat®
# of ingredients 5 12 15 7 10
Added Gums No No Yes Yes Yes
Added Oils No Yes Yes No No
Added Vitamins No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Lecithin No No Yes No No
Protein* 4g 3g 2g 4g 4g
Sugar* 5g 7g 4g 17g 4g
Bonus Nutrition* 20g Whole Grain
Aseptic Yes No No Yes No
*Per 8 fl oz serving
Nutrition Data as of Aug 2019

What's Inside


Whole grain oats: There is nothing more North American than that. Ours come from the prairies of Canada.

Filtered Water

What more need to be said about the foundation of life? One thing is for sure: it will never go out of style.

Oats being the newest old thing out there, we had to jump on the oat milk wagon. Customarily, we did it in simpler, better style. Only Milked Oats™ highlights the star ingredient, the classic and worthy oat. No gums. No lecithin. No vegetable oils to disrupt the grandeur of 20g whole grain per serving. Use this versatile plant milk in coffee, cereal, and smoothies. Like all Elmhurst products, it is non-GMO, gluten-free, carrageenan-free, and has no artificial flavors. Also try the 12oz single-serve versions!


Original Cashew Milk Elmhurst® Califia® Forager® Pacific®
# of ingredients 5 7 9 9
Added Gums No No No Yes
Added Oils No No No Yes
Added Vitamins No No No No
Lecithin No No No No
Protein* 4g 2g 1g 2g
Sugar* 2g 1g 2g 5g
Aseptic Yes No No Yes
*Per 8 fl oz serving
Nutrition Data as of Aug 2019

What's Inside


This distinct tropical nut comes straight from Brazil: land of samba, soccer, and sunshine.

Filtered Water

What more need to be said about the foundation of life? One thing is for sure: it will never go out of style.

Discover the incredibly versatile cashew the better way. A non-dairy milk made with 5 ingredients and up to 2x as many nuts as the others…we’ll take it! With no added gums or emulsifiers, Milked Cashews is perfect for coffee, cooking, and more. Of course, Like all Elmhurst products, it’s non-GMO, gluten-free, carrageenan-free, and has no artificial flavors.


The unsweetened line is just a little simpler, bringing 5-6 ingredients down to just 2 or – in one instance - 3. Added sugars, natural flavors, and (with the exception of oat) salt are left out to give you the most simple product possible. Like the original varieties, Elmhurst's unsweetened milks have a variety of functions not limited to drinking.
