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5 Yoga Retreats to Find Simplicity in Your Life

What is a yoga retreat?

A yoga retreat allows you to deepen your practice, learn mindfulness, open the mind, and break bad habits.

Yoga retreats are often held in beautiful places around the world, but you can likely find one just a few short hours from where you live.

5 ways a yoga retreat can help you find simplicity in your life

There are many ways a yoga retreat will help you find simplicity in your life, but here are 5:

1. Digital Detox.

At most yoga retreats, you are not allowed to have digital devices with you 24/7. Some allow it in private rooms, but nowhere else. Our constant need for connection via phones and computers has stripped away simplicity, so ditching the devices for a few days will help reset that need for always being “on.”

2. Reduce Overthinking.

Nothing in life is simple when the mind is cluttered with thoughts. Meditation is usually part of any yoga retreat, which will help clear the mind and turn off all that extra noise.

3. Healthy Eating.

We have over-complicated our daily food choices. With so many options out there, it’s hard to scale back to eating healthier foods with less ingredients. A yoga retreat gives you the opportunity to eat well without having to think about it, which you can then carry with you post-retreat.

4. Truly Relax.

By doing less we are able to find more energy. It gives us more time to explore deep within. A yoga retreat is a change to truly relax so you’re ready for whatever is next in your life. It will also remind you that relaxing when you need to is okay.

5. Purpose.

Once you find your purpose, everything else becomes much simpler because you’re focused on that one thing. A yoga retreat helps you be intentional with the decision to attend, itself. Then, during the retreat, you are able to dig deep for purpose via meditation, relaxation, the actual yoga practice, and personal time for exploration.

If you’re ready to try a yoga retreat, check out these 5 options to find simplicity in your life below.

5 Yoga Retreats to Find Simplicity in Your Life

1. Haramara Retreat.

Located in Mexico, Haramara is one of our top recommendations. It “has been built without mechanical equipment compromising the virgin jungle and every structure has been hand-built using traditional construction methods.” Everything about its environment and ambiance quietly whispers simplicity.

2. Finger Lakes Yogascapes.

This is a retreat that caters solely to women and emphasizes three main things: celebrating your strength, nurturing your peace, and feeding your soul. It doesn’t get any better than that.

3. The Art of Living Happiness Retreat.

We chose this retreat because we believe that happiness and simplicity can go hand-in-hand. “Within you lies vast, untapped possibilities waiting to be discovered. Through the Happiness Retreat this potential is set free and you gain a greater vision of who you are.” Head to the mountains and find your zen.

4. Essential Yoga Weekend Retreat.

Visit Red Mountain Resort in Utah for a yoga experience that will connect you to the simplicity of Mother Earth. “We’ll take your practice outdoors in the beauty of Snow Canyon State Park, to deepen your connection to Mother Earth.”

5. FireLight Camps.

If strict yoga is not for you, but finding simplicity in your life is, you can find nature and luxury in one at FireLight Camps. Each tent includes minimal items, and “a private balcony for soaking in the natural beauty with a good book, mug of coffee or a cocktail.”
