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Latte Compare

Can you guess which? latte is made with whole milk?

Surprise! This is Elmhurst® Hemp Barista!

(Actually, they both are)

You see, when you have a product that performs so smoothly, sometimes you have to show off with two works of art. We've worked with several award-winning baristas test this product and some have even exclaimed "I can't believe this is not whole milk!" in the heat of a throwdown battle.

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"If cows go extinct tomorrow, I'm grabbing Elmhurst® Hemp Barista"

-@Immaculate_Artistry, Coffee Specialist

Steams flawlessly into a microfoam

Steams flawlessly into a microfoam

Creates a silky, flexible foam with bubbles that integrate throughout the milk while steaming, and do not just float to the top.

Integrates for the Perfect Pour

Integrates for the Perfect Pour

The real hemp cream provides a full-body milk that holds the designs together and does not split the espresso créme.

Perfect Contrast + Infusion

Perfect Contrast + Infusion

For a tighter rosetta or winged tulip, Hemp Barista pours with sharp contrast for beautiful integration in latte designs.

Flavor That Enhances

Flavor That Enhances

With a surprisingly neutral flavor, Hemp Barista is made to complement any roast — not overwhelm it — making for a well-balanced cup.

Does Hemp Milk Outperform Whole Milk?
Try For Yourself.

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