Can you guess which? latte is made with whole milk?
Surprise! This is Elmhurst® Hemp Barista!
(Actually, they both are)
You see, when you have a product that performs so smoothly, sometimes you have to show off with two works of art. We've worked with several award-winning baristas test this product and some have even exclaimed "I can't believe this is not whole milk!" in the heat of a throwdown battle.
Buy Now Shop Wholesale"If cows go extinct tomorrow, I'm grabbing Elmhurst® Hemp Barista"
Steams flawlessly into a microfoam
Creates a silky, flexible foam with bubbles that integrate throughout the milk while steaming, and do not just float to the top.
Integrates for the Perfect Pour
The real hemp cream provides a full-body milk that holds the designs together and does not split the espresso créme.
Perfect Contrast + Infusion
For a tighter rosetta or winged tulip, Hemp Barista pours with sharp contrast for beautiful integration in latte designs.
Flavor That Enhances
With a surprisingly neutral flavor, Hemp Barista is made to complement any roast — not overwhelm it — making for a well-balanced cup.
Does Hemp Milk Outperform Whole Milk?
Try For Yourself.
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